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Love your Back Webinar (ENGLISH)

april 30 5.00 pm CEST (>>> 8 am PST)

44 euros

Unloading the Spine

Our spine is the basis of our body. When there are physical blockages in the spine, this can cause all kinds of complaints:
- backache
- headache
- fatigue
- blurred feelings in the head
- difficulty keeping focus
- intestinal complaints
- shoulder complaints
- hip sensitivity
- depressive feelings

When the backbone is energetically blocked, the same symptoms can arise and even deeper complaints can arise, because the meridians (the energy pathways in the body) are disturbed and the organs get less energy. This can cause emotional blockages and ultimately physical complaints can be manifested.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to unload the spine energetically with a very special breathing technique. You’ll learn to unload the spine on an emotional, mental and physical level.

After this webinar you will be able to apply this technique to others (in your own practice or with friends / family).

To subscribe, please send an email to:

Note: if you subscribe for Webinar Karma Release and Strengthen your Light AND Love your Back,
the total price will be: 88 euros all together (discount 15 euros).